Legal notice


Website name : STOR

Website full URL :


Company’s name and form: Société des Téléphériques d’Orelle

Address of domicile or registered office: Gare de la Télécabine – 73140 ORELLE

Email address:

Phone number:


Number and place of registration in the Companies’ Register or the Trades Register: Chambéry B 402 811 061

VAT number (CGI, art. 286 ter): FR 17 402 811 061


Managing Director: STOR

WEB DESIGNER and web hosting

Company name: Alpilink

Address of registered office: 2 rue de la Viscose 38130 Échirolles – France

Email :


Number of declaration obtained from Cnil: 1122732

Name of the Controller: STOR (Data protection Officer)

Contact details (mail or phone) to exercise one’s rights:



©Tourist Office of Val Thorens

©Association Les 3 Vallées

©David ANDRE


©Thibault LOUBERE


When using this website, you unreservedly agree to the following terms and conditions:


The personal data collected on this website will be processed for the following purposes:

  • – create and manage your personal account. This processing is based on your consent,
  • – process your order; this processing is required for the performance of the contract that you enter into with STOR,
  • – send you promotional offers, newsletters, invitations to take part in competitions or games, as well as satisfaction surveys. In the case of messages sent by STOR, data processing is based on STOR’s legitimate interest to develop its activities, if the address these messages were sent to was provided when placing an order; on your consent in other cases. In the case of messages sent by the Tourist Office of Orelle, data processing is based on your consent,
  • – reply to enquiries, comments and claims you may send. This processing is based on your consent.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required to enable STOR to carry out the above-mentioned processing. Other fields are not mandatory.

The collected data will be sent to:

  • – STOR and its affiliated companies,
  • – providers whose intervention is required for the above-mentioned processing,
  • – the Tourist Office of Orelle if you gave your consent.

Data may be transferred to a country outside the European Union. You can obtain additional information on these transfers and relative guarantees from STOR;

The collected data will be kept for the following periods:

  • – data collected to create and manage your personal account: until your personal account is deleted (deletion of the account entails deletion of sub-contract data linked to this account),
  • – data collected to process your orders of products and services: five years from the date of collection. By way of exception, the number and date of expiry of your credit card will be kept:
    • * Until the end of the current season for ski pass refund purposes,
    • * For subscriptions with tacit renewal: until the termination of your subscription,
    • * In any case, for 15 months following the last date of debit, as evidence in case of dispute over the transaction.
  • The card security code will not be kept after the transaction.
  • – Data collected to send you newsletters, satisfaction surveys, invitations to take parts in competitions or games, and promotional offers: three years from the date of collection. After this period, the data will be kept for an additional three-year period if you agree to continue to receive newsletters, satisfaction surveys and promotional offers from STOR,
  • Data collected to reply to enquiries, comments and claims that you may send: For the period necessary to process such enquiries, comments and claims.

You have the right to access, rectify or delete your personal data, transfer it to third parties, and limit or object to the processing thereof. STOR shall comply with your request subject to compliance with our legal obligations (we are required by law to file the contracts for several years).

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing performed prior to this withdrawal.

You may exercise these rights by contacting STOR at the addresses indicated under the “Contact” section below.

For the sake of privacy and protection of your personal data, STOR must be able to verify your identity in order to reply to your request. For this purpose, you are required to attach to any request to exercise the aforementioned rights, the photocopy of an identity document indicating your place and date of birth and bearing your signature, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 ”Informatique et Libertés”, Article 92 of the Decree of 20 October 2005 adopted for the application of this law, and the EU regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of such data.

Lastly, you have the right to lodge a complaint with CNIL if you believe that your rights have not been respected. CNIL can be contacted at the following address: Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des Libertés, 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, France – Tel: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22 – Fax: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 00 – Website:


Creating hypertext links to this website is allowed, provided that:

  • – The pages of this website are not imbedded in the pages of another website, but are fully accessible in a new window,
  • – The information provided on this website is not used for marketing purposes,
  • – The website from which a hypertext link is created does not disseminate information with controversial, pornographic or xenophobic contents that may be offensive for the public or prejudicial to STOR’s image.

STOR reserves the right to withdraw the authorisation granted at any time, without having to justify its decision.


A cookie is a text file stored on your computer when you visit this website. Cookies are managed by your internet browser. They do not identify you personally or collect your personal data.

This website generates different types of cookies:

  • – Cookies ensuring smooth processing of the order: these cookies are essential to the effective operation of this website. They allow to store information such as the date when you wish to ski, the number of people and their names. Without these cookies, you would not be able to book on line, as the website would forget the information already provided as you advance in the booking process,
  • – Google Analytics: cookies provided by Google Analytics are used to assess the effectiveness of this website and to understand how visitors use our site. This information allow us to identify which pages are the most visited, which products interest the customers and which type of offer they prefer. If you do not wish to contribute to the improvement of this website, and STOR’s products, offers, and marketing strategy, you can disable this analytical tool by clicking the following link:,
  • – Des cookies de fonctionnalités : ces cookies permettent de mémoriser vos choix (comme votre nom d’utilisateur, la langue sélectionnez ou la région dans laquelle vous vous trouvez) et de vous proposer des fonctionnalités optimisées et personnalisées.

Functionality cookies: these cookies allow to remember your choices (such as your user name, the selected language or the region you are in) and to offer optimised and customised functionalities.

You can accept or reject cookies by adjusting your internet browser settings. However, if the cookies are totally or partially disabled, your browsing on this site may be limited and some functionalities may not be accessible.


Cookie setting management varies according to the browsers. Use the “Help” section of your browser for more information on cookie setting.


STOR cannot be held liable as a result of:

  • – Temporary inaccessibility of this website due to maintenance,
  • – Internet network malfunction affecting access to this site. In this regard, you declare that you know and accept the technical and functional features and limitations of the Internet (in terms of access, availability, congestion, failure, saturation, transit time, response time to display, review, search or transfer data, interruption, lack of protection of certain data against misappropriation or hacking, risk of contamination by viruses, etc.),
  • – Malfunction or misuse of your terminal or any other equipment used to access the website,
  • – Provision of false, incomplete or misleading information on your part,
  • – Failure, loss, delay or error in data transmission beyond the control of STOR,
  • – Contents of information on the sites that this website refers to through hyperlinks,
  • – Breach of these terms and conditions of use on your part.


Any request related to personal data must be addressed:

– By post to the following address: STOR Traitement automatisé, Gare de la Télécabine – 73140 ORELLE – France or

– By email to the following address:


Any other request must be addressed:

– By post to the following address: STOR – Gare de la Télécabine – 73140 ORELLE – FRANCE

– By email to the following address:

– By phone to the following number: +33 (0)4 79 56 88 01